
Into the Desert
This track for wind ensemble evokes the feelings of setting out on an epic but dangerous adventure into the desert. Listen for sounds representing the shimmer of sand on the dunes, a rattlesnake's rattle, and of course the huge brass section!

The Uptown Cat Dance
I improvised the main idea for this piano piece with the image in my head of stylish cats dancing in an uptown city block. It is so much fun to play.

Electronic Sunlight
This was my final project for my electronic music class. I wanted to try writing an EDM-style track, as I didn't have much experience with that. I particularly focused on using automation to create dynamic sounds. This track makes me so happy.

Kiki and the Kitchen Sink
For a video scoring assignment, I edited together a video of my family's adorable cat Kiki playing with our kitchen sink, and wrote the soundtrack for the video. Watch the video below!
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Spirits of the Chapel
This spooky track came out of an interesting creative limitation. A while ago, I recorded some otherworldly sounds from inside the Duke Chapel. In this piece, I challenged myself to only use sounds sampled from this 11 second clip of that recording, with various effects applied. As you listen, you can almost hear the Halloween spirits throwing a late night party in the chapel.

I wrote this soothing track in a time where I needed some more peace in my life. It started as a short experiment with sine waves and filtering white noise, which I ended up expanding into a full piece.

A Breath of Desire
This is a composition for soprano saxophone and piano, written for my composition class. For this piece, I received an honorable mention for the Henry Schumann Music Prize, awarded by the Duke University Music Department each year. This recording was performed by Dr. Susan Fancher on soprano saxophone, and my friend Sahil Malhotra on piano.

Winter Bells
This track originated from me experimenting with the Pianobook Winter Voices sample library. It reflects the beauty of icicles and snow in a sunny winter wonderland, and the joy of playing in the snow.

Child of the Crescent Moon
The melody of this pensive piano piece was inspired by the mental image of a child gazing up at a crescent moon late at night.

I originally wrote this peaceful track to accompany one of my sister's multimedia art projects. As you listen, I hope you can close your eyes, picture the beauty of the deep blue ocean, and enjoy a moment of peace.